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EPRPost Compliance

Every day, India generates enormous amounts of plastic waste. These plastic wastes need to be dealt with properly.

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Step 1

Arrangement of documents for EPR Post Compliance

Step 2

EPR Post Compliance process


Step 3

Legal consultation for any queries in the filing procedure



How To Register

Documents Required


Shreya Pandey
Finemate Consultants Pvt. Ltd
(4.5 Ratings)
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EPR Post Compliance overview

EPR post-compliance guidelines are issued at the time of authorising them by the CPCB. But when these new guidelines come into force, the PIBOs must ensure that at least 60% of their electronic waste is collected and recycled by 2023. Also, the targets will increase to 70% and 80% in 2024 and 2025.Application for the renewal of EPR Authorisation for e-waste is made to the CPCB. The CPCB renews authorisation after receiving a compliance report from the concerned SPCB. This will be done after examining the SPCB’s report on the post-compliance by the PIBO.

What are the Benefits of EPR Post Compliance?

(1) Helps in channelizing the E-waste for recycling or disposal

(2) Ensuring that no harm is done to the environment during storage and transportation of e-waste

(3) Maintain records of the e-waste generated

(4) Gathering, and transferring e-waste generated from the ‘end-of-life’ of electronic products with the same code

(5) Providing requisite information to consumers through their website and product user detailing to facilitate take back of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment

(6) Creates awareness among the users

What is the Register Procedure of EPR Post Compliance?

(1) Filing of necessary documents.

(2) Scrutiny by CPCB and SPCB.

(3) Renewal of EPR Authorization.

Documents Required For EPR Post Compliance?

(1) Documents for CPCB certifications.

(2) Sale and purchase records.

(3) General scheme of the collection.

(4) Details of importeds like EEE code, quantity imported etc.

(5) Toll-Free number and website information.


(1) What is EPR Post Compliance?

(2) How can i fulfill my EPR duties?

(3) What are the EPR categories?

(4) How do i achieve EPR compliances as required by my marketplace?

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