Deed Drafting.
Trademark assignment is an intellectual property and like any other asset, the proprietor of a trademark has the power to sell, license or transfer the owned intellectual property. Such a transfer can be made through Trademark Assignment or through licensing.
(1) Monetization of Brand.
(2) Easy Brand Building.
(3) Maintenance of IPR.
(4) Owner gets the Value of the Trademark.
(5) Act as a valid proof.
(6) Owner enjoys various benefits.
(7) Expansion of Business.
(1) Make an application.
(2) Submission of Requisite Forms and the Document.
(3) Applying the Registrar.
(4) Direction from the Registrar.
(5) Advertisement.
(6) Transfer of ownership.
(1) Power of authority.
(2) Trademark assignment agreement.
(3) No objection certificate.
(4) Good will certificate.
(5) Acceptance of trademark rights.
(1) What is Trademark assignments?
(2) Can an individual assign a trademark?
(3) Can a person buy a trademark from someone?
(4) Can a person make money out of trademak assignment?