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ServiceLevel Agreement

A service-level agreement (SLA) is a contract between a service provider and its customers that documents what services the provider will furnish and defines the service standards the provider is obligated to meet.

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Shreya Pandey
Finemate Consultants Pvt. Ltd
(4.5 Ratings)
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Service Level Agreement Overview

A service-level commitment (SLC) is a broader and more generalized form of an SLA. The two differ because an SLA is bidirectional and involves two teams. In contrast, an SLC is a single-directional obligation that establishes what a team can guarantee its customers at any given time.Service providers need SLAs to help them manage customer expectations and define the severity levels and circumstances under which they are not liable for outages or performance issues.

What Are The Benefits of Service Level Agreement?

(1) Improves customer services.

(2) Facilitates communication.

(3) Negotiated and mutually accepted.

(4) Defines procedures.

(5) Sets standards for customer service.

What are the Procedure of Service level agreement?

(1) Two working days.

(2) Two revision rounds.


(1) What is Service Level Agreement?

(2) How do i write a SLA agreement?

(3) What are the different levels of SLA?

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