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Patent Registration is a process under which an application is filed with the prescribed authority in order to register an invention in line with The Patent Act, 1970.

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Step 1

Prior Art Search.

Step 2

Approval Chances.


Step 3

Filing An Application.




Documents Required


Shreya Pandey
Finemate Consultants Pvt. Ltd
(4.5 Ratings)
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Patent Registration overview

A patent is a right granted to an individual or enterprise by the government which excludes others from making, using, selling, or importing the patented product or process without prior approval.Patent filing or patent registration is the first step an inventor takes to protect his/her invention from being misused. Patent filing in India is a fairly complicated ordeal, however, with the right legal guidance, it can be done easily. Any business entity or an individual who believes in securing their patent should get a legal consultation from expert patent practitioners such as ours. Vakilsearch helps you with the simplest way for Patent Registration.

What Are The Benefits Of Patent Registration?

(1) A patent is a form of encouragement for innovations and inventions. Once an applicant is granted the patent, he or she becomes the exclusive owner of the invention or the idea.

(2) Patent Filing in India is important for a business as the patent restricts its competitors from copying, selling, or importing its intellectual property without prior permission. This way the patent holder can protect their patent rights in support of the existing laws of the land.

(3) Patents can be sold and licensed like other forms of property.

(4) A patent is just like any other intellectual property and can be transferred by the inventor.

(5) A patented product is likely to improve brand perception and potentially enable your business to charge a premium.

(6) With exclusive patient rights, the owner of the patent controls the use of the invention for twenty years or longer.

What is the Registration Procedure of Patent Registration?

(1) Checking the patentability of the invention by performing a search.

(2) Drafting of patent application.

(3) Filing the patent application in India.

(4) Publication of patent application.

(5) Examining of patent application.

(6) Grant of patent.

Documents Required For Patent Registration?

(1) A detailed description of the invention.

(2) A drawing or diagram of the invention, if applicable.

(3) An Claims section specifying the legal rights being sought.

(4) An Abstract summarising the invention.

(5) A Prior Art Disclosure Statement disclosing any previously patented inventions that may be related to the applicant’s invention.

(6) Application form in duplicate.

(7) A duplicate copy of the complete specification must be filed within 12 months if the provisional specification is filed.

(8) There is a form (3) listing the information and status of each foreign patent application in duplicate.

(9) Priority document in convention application, when directed by the Controller.

(10) Power of attorney.

(11) Fees.


(1) What is patent registration?

(2) What information ie required to obtain patent registration?

(3) If patent application is rejected , does the applicant have a chance to be heard?

(4) What are the indexes of the patent office journal?

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