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RetailDrug License

Ensuring everyone has equal and fair access to drugs and medicine is the primary concern of any government. But the right to manufacture and sell drugs and medicines has to be given cautiously.

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Step 1


Step 2

Applicaton Filling.


Step 3

Obtain Retail Drug License.




Documents Required


Shreya Pandey
Finemate Consultants Pvt. Ltd
(4.5 Ratings)
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Retail Drug License overview

The purpose of the drug license is to grant permission to allow enterprises or individuals to engage in businesses related to drugs and cosmetics. No enterprise or individual can operate a business dealing in drugs, medicines or cosmetics without obtaining a drug license in India.Thus, all pharmacists, wholesalers, retailers, manufacturers, sellers, dealers and importers of drugs, cosmetics, ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs have to mandatorily obtain drug license under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.

What Are The Types Of Retail Drug License?

(1) Manufacturing License.

(2) Wholesale License

(3) Retail License.

(4) Loan License.

(4) Import License.

(4) Multi-Drug License.

What is the Procedure Of Retail Drug License

(1) You need to fill the application form

(2) Send your documents

(3) Submit all the required documents

(5) Issue of drug license

Documents Required For Retail Drug License?


(2) Photo ID proof of director

(3) Copy of property paper

(4) Copy of rent agreement

(5) Refrigerator invoice and details


(1) What is Retail Drug License?

(2) Are different licenses necessary for every operation of the drug business?

(3) What are the features of drug license?

(4) How to import drugs?

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